North landscape / Patricia Abramovich

North landscape / Patricia Abramovich

Original Work


50 * 65 cm

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About Patricia Abramovich

Art for me is the freedom to create with no boundaries, to express the diversity of color from which the human soul is composed.
Spreading color across a canvas is a means of meditation; I connect with my inner self. My hands just move with rhythm using the painter knife to mix the colors directly on the blank canvas. I choose the colors and let my soul conduct me, handling the knife as a brush.
The oil colors merge on the canvas on their own as I use a spatula to paint over them .
When working in water color "aquarelle", I allow the colors to merge with the water in whatever direction they choose.
I feel when the artwork is ready and reaching a balance between the colors. I usually have no preconceived idea
and am always curious to see the final results of my painting.
My major influences are Monet and Cézanne who were leaders of the impressionism movement
Patricia Abramovich has always been creative. she loved to draw from just an early age, learned to play piano and guitar, and wrote poetry as a teenager.
Her parents gave her the freedom to follow her creative instincts .
Having grown up in Paris, Patricia was influenced by her everyday surroundings. She considered studying architecture , then in1972 the family
left to Israel , emigrating from Paris .
Two years later she married her Lithuanian husband, Boris, and had two children, who are married and parents now
Patricia has worked in banking as a team manager.
In 1996 she began to paint again, and it was a became a sort of obsession where she painted every free minute she had
She fell in love with colors using watercolors and painted aquarelles. She says, "Once I began painting I could not stop."
Painting with oils on canvas was love after the first lesson .
She painted with brushes, then in 2007 Patricia began to paint oil abstracts and landscapes with painter knives.
She reached a special and personalized texture and style this way, by working with passion every free minute "
Patricia's inspiration comes from every flower, every tree, every landscape. always searching for different ways and new techniques, painting from her imagination. Sometimes she looks at inspiring landscapes, whereas other times she just put color on the canvas or paper giving her hands total freedom. It almost feels as the painting appears by itself.
She says"The moment I look at the blank surface brings an exciting feeling, as my next creation is on its way. I need to be totally in the mood with nothing around me, only my painter knife or water moving the colors on the paper. It is only me and the creation. What a joyous feeling! I need to paint, art has become my way of life."
Latest exhibitions 
 Solo exhibitions
        No brush / Ein Hod's Gallery - EIN HOD, Israel
  • 2011
    Abramovich Patricia / Colorida Art Gallery - Lisbon, Portugal
  • 2008
    MY ABSTRACT WAY / Kriger Center - Haifa, Israel
 Group exhibitions
     Contempory art show / Hong Kong - Hong Kong, China
  • 2016
    Art Fair Tokyo / Tokyo Art Fair - Tokyo, Japan
  • 2015
    Once Upon A Time / Sibatacho Gallery - OSAKA, Japan
  • 2015
    The Four Seasons / Ritz Carlton hotel - Lisbon, Portugal
  • 2013
    Art Lille Art Market / Lille art Fair - Lille, France
  • 2011
    Women in the Arts / Artrom Gallery - Rome, Italy
  • 2011
    Together like a string / Ephrat gallery - Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 2009
    Florence Biennale / Fortezza da Basso, Florence - Florence, Italy
       Asthetica Magazine- Interview
  • 2016
    ARTiculAction- Interview
  • 2011
    Art of England magazine- Interview

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