Landscape #27 / Aya Eliav

Landscape #27, 2012 / Aya Eliav

Original Work

Mixed technique

Acrylicת pencil and charcoal on paper.
Framed with wooden wash white frame and glass.

50 * 90 cm

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Biography - Aya Eliav

1998-2002 - B.Des., Bezalel Academy for art and design, Jerusalem, Israel
2003-2005 - Scholarship from the Israeli/Italian ministery of exterior afair, Specialization in applied art, Academia di Belle Arti, 
Roma, Italy.

Main solo exhibitions and performances:
“Growth”, Galeria Mutuo, Barcelona, Spain (2019); “Waymarks” Artventures gallery, Menlo park, California, USA (2018); Alumá, Galeria Vanguardia, Bilbao, Spain (2015); A Crawling Home Narrative, Galeria ArtStation, Tel Aviv, Israel (2014); Inundation Land, Haifa Museum for Arts, Israel (2012); Art Idol, 17th Video Brasil Festival, Sao Paolo, Brazil (2011); Remanents, Artists’ House, Tel Aviv (2010); Feelings of Descent, Artists’ House, Jerusalem (2009)

Main events and exhibitions that have featured her works:
Arte Emergente Sabadell 2017, Sabadell (2017); Museo provincial de Bellas Artes Rosa Galisteo de Rodriguez, Santa Fe, Argentina (2017); BIM, Biennale del Imagen en Movimiento, Buenos Aires (2015); Art Revolution, The world Trade Center, Taiwan (2015); Swab Art Fair, Barcelona (2014) The Barbican Institute, London (2012); Optica Festival – Madrid, Girona, Buenos Aires (2011); The 4th Biennale for Contemporary Art, National Museum of Art, Beijing, China, (2010); The 3rd Fresh Paint Art Fair – Tel Aviv, Israel - 2010

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