Philosophy of Flowers /The infinite little details, are what fills the world with endless opportunities of watching, I am here, who am I? Each flower that is born into this world is readily conscious to this existence, and we humans, that tend to miss, hang our gaze to sorrow while it is just an end of a wheel, while the complete being springs in each and every moment. The Philosophy of Flowers exhibition displays this connection in the form of flowers, a world of manifesting love location - אחוזה 103 רעננה
א'-ה' 9:00-17:00 ו' 9:00-12:00 Time - 24/10/2011 to - 08/01/2012 Exhibition opening - 24/10/2011 מפגש עם האמן יתקיים בשעה 16:00
התערוכה פתוחה לקהל הרחב
העבודות מוצעות למכירה