David Tamerin - Litographs and Prints Collection / Michaelson Art Gallery11/02/2022 to - 08/03/2022 David Tamarin is a Bezalel graduate artist and creator, who for many years worked in his studio in New York on lithographs for well-known artists. In the collection that reached the gallery, there are lithographs in limited editions by senior artists such as: Marc Chagall, Claude Weisbuch, Nahum Gutman, Moshe Castel, Avigdor Stamtsky, Yair Garbuz, Mario Dorti, Shmulik Katz, Yosl Bergner, Miriam Dauber, Yuval Meller, Shmuel Tepler , Nelly Punta, Esther Peretz-Arad and more. Curator of the exhibition: Amnon Michaeli
Translated using Google translate.location - Michaelson Art Gallery רחוב אברהם שטרן 4, פלורנטין, תל אביב . טל: 0542189614
פתוח ימים א'-ה' בין 1030-2000, שישי-שבת בין 1030-1600. Time - 11/02/2022 to - 08/03/2022 Exhibition opening - 08/03/2022, שעה - 12:00 |