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Present time / Artist House Kfar-Saba

הצילומים באדיבות Artist House Kfar-Saba

18/12/2020 to - 09/01/2021

In the "Present Time" exhibition, "Out of Frame" artists each present their own attitude to "time" and the meaning of the "present" in their work. In the conventional perception the present is what is happening in the moment, present now, even though the present is an elusive point of connection that is in constant motion, between past and future. Mentally the present world always involves the memory of past experience and our past experiences.
In their works, "out of frame" artists present an observation of the processes of decay and wear, memory and recollection, a reference to the present period in which we are forced into social distance and isolation, and an attempt to capture a fleeting moment to capture an emotion associated with it. The exhibition presents works in a wide variety of modes of expression, artistic styles and modes of action that emphasize an experience of time and space travel.

Orna Noy Lanir || Curator Translated using Google translate.

location - Artist House Kfar-Saba
רח' גלר 4 כפר סבא. פתוח : שישי 10-13, שבת 10-14 אוצרת: אורנה נוי לניר. הנחייה אמנותית: ניצה לאופר

Time - 18/12/2020 to - 09/01/2021

Exhibition opening - 24/12/2020, שעה - 19:30
לאור מגבלות הקורונה, הפתיחה תהיה מצומצמת . אפשר להגיע לראות את התערוכה בימים ושעות הפתיחה שצוינו לעיל

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