A journey /08/11/2018 to - 15/12/2018 Mass-Mass Journey Yael Neubirt Givatayim Theater Curator: Doron Polak Neuevirt, who defines her work as an open dialogue with Israeli poetry, sees Shlonsky, Rachel, Alterman and Goldberg as the central axis of influence, and it refers to these sources as "poetic parents" for her plastic work. Neubirt's works are expressive, built in thick layers of color, and the colorful palette is vibrant and exciting. The works, painted on large oil and acrylic fabrics, are mostly figurative, and excel in flowing, expressive lines. The artist, who dealt with education and teaching literature and language, presented her works in dozens of exhibitions in Israel and abroad, and won numerous awards for her artistic achievements. A book by the Lady of the White City, which deals with the fascinating and fascinating life story of Tsina Dizengoff, was published before the centennial celebrations of the city of Tel Aviv.
location - רח' רמז 40, גבעתיים, טל: 732534003
שעות הביקור בתערוכה:
ימים א'-ה' 10:00-17:00, יום ו' 10:00-12:30 ובשעות בהם מתקיימים מופעים בתיאטרון.
Time - 08/11/2018 to - 15/12/2018 Exhibition opening - 08/11/2018, שעה - 19:00 בפתיחה החגיגי ישאו דברים: רן קוניק, ראש העיר גבעתיים, ד"ר יואל רפל. מנחה: דורון פולק, אוצר התערוכה |