THREE WITH COLOR IN NATURE / THE GREEN HOUSE GALLERY18/12/2016 to - 01/01/2017"Three colored nature" Exhibition curator: Rachel Ziv Exhibition of three artists express their affiliation with nature. Ilana Tman paints and creates mixed media for many years head of the Air, collage Woman, nature and spirituality meet hovering characters I create. The neat and professional works produced eye of the beholder affinity and connection to the female magical world built images of nature, and raises the thoughts and no. Amber Fianko studied interior design and architecture and then art and jewelry. Teaches the arts. Oil and acrylic paint realistic style in layers. "Drawing I escape to nature, to which I tied up very, I" escaped "from the noise of the city, nature, forest grove the trees different, every day and in all weather conditions. Painting for me is breathing the soul, evidence of beauty, a source of hope, an expression of emotion. Ruth Pasdar I studied art at the ?cole des Beaux-Arts in the city of Tours, France. "I felt the landscape, as if he were an integral part of the landscape of my face. I have no favorite subject because everything interests me: earth, femininity, air, atmosphere, visibility, traffic and Divine spark. I am aware that it is impossible to change the world through art, but You can see it, understand it, love it, and dress him my colors. " Translated using Google translate. location - THE GREEN HOUSE GALLERY רח' ג'ורג' וייז 24, תל אביב Time - 18/12/2016 to - 01/01/2017 Exhibition opening - 18/12/2016, שעה - 19:00 |