Sergey Teryaev / The Jerusalem Artists Houseטלפון - 02-6253653 28/03/2009 to - 25/04/2009 The sea has always attracted people, and for an artist it has been an endless source inspiration. This series presents one facet of a gleaming world that was revealed to me on the Mediterranean shore. The shoreline is the pulse of land and sea, the border between the elements of Water and Earth. It is densely (though temporarily) populated with people, for whom the stay at the seashore turns into freedom from the boundaries of civilization: Once they take their clothes off, they shed their problems as well along with their daily routine and the vanity of everyday life, leaving it all at the threshold of the shoreline. When removing their watches, they forgot about time. Only the sun's movement through the sky and the shadows sliding on the sand remind them of its existence. No time is here, nor History, Sociology, Philosophy or Religion. On the seashore there is nothing but the joy of life and peaceful leisure. We can see ourselves and our own beauty or ugliness as well as that of others. We can feel nature and become a part of it. We can allow ourselves to play with our age. We can experience the happiness of eternal life, and become its central protagonists. At the heart of the shoreline are my memories, impressions, and continual work from the past three years. (Sergey Teryaev) location - The Jerusalem Artists House Time - 28/03/2009 to - 25/04/2009 |